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Unlocking Leadership Potential in Agile Environments
What is ICF Core Competency 6 and Why is It Essential? Understanding the foundation of ICF Core Competencies The International Coaching Federation (ICF), revered for accrediting professional coaches and mentor coaching programs, has established a distinctive framework referred to as the ICF Core Competencies. This framework serves as the cornerstone for excellence in coaching, rigorously outlining the competencies that define and differentiate a standard coaching practice from an exemplary one…
Dive into the essence of multi-level listening, where every nuance of communication is acknowledged and understood, fostering a profound connection between coach and client.
Hi, Cherie's here! Today, we're exploring an essential skill for coaches working with individual leaders and executives: multi-level listening. This competency goes beyond hearing words; it's about fully engaging with the speaker's verbal and non-verbal cues to understand their message in depth. Here are four tips to enhance your listening skills, ensuring you provide the most effective support to your clients.1. Embrace Silence and Reflection:Encourage moments of silence in your sessions. T…
Mastering the art of listening to foster agility and growth
Hi, Cherie here. In today's fast-paced agile environments, the ability to listen deeply and effectively is more than a skill—it's a superpower. As a coach working with individual leaders and executives, I've seen firsthand the transformative impact that refined listening skills can have on leadership effectiveness, team dynamics, and organizational agility. Here are four essential listening skills that every agile leader and coach should master:1. Cultivating Presence: Being fully present is…
Loops and Knots - amplify your coaching impact
A lot of coaching is about evoking new awareness, helping clients get unstuck (if they are) and move forward towards the goals they desire. While the word “learning” has a more sophisticated  air to it – some people, like myself, do not respond well to it when asked, “What have you learned during our conversation?” or something similar. The word is widely used in coaching circles however, so it will do.However as important as new awareness is for your client’s success, simply getting aw…
Coaching Random Thoughts #9 - No Random Questions
So I heard this thing over the last couple of weeks from a few people, namely, some of our students are telling me is that, "Well, we heard that in coaching, we ask random questions, and that has a chance of bringing new awareness to clients." And while I cannot argue with the latter, I would argue that pretty much every questions that we might ask a client, unless it's a completely transactional question, they might bring new awareness, they might bring new learning to the client. However, in m…
Reflective Supervision: Coaching for Coaches with Cherie Silas
Alex Kudinov   Welcome to another episode of Tandem Coaching Academy's Keeping Agile Nondenominational podcast. I'm Alex Kudinov and I'm your host today and today I have Cherie Silas. She is an MCC master certified coach with ICF and she's a CEC with Scrum Alliance, and today we are talking about Supervision. So, Cherie, first thing about Supervision, this supervisor thing, you know, it's kind of like a command and control thing. So now you can command armies of coaches or what?Cherie Silas …
Did you know research by The Manchester Review found that Fortune 500 companies investing in executive coaching saw an average return on investment of $100,000 or 5.7 times the initial investment?Sometimes, the benefits of personal development can be less tangible, such as improved communication abilities or enhanced leadership skills. However, that statistic shows a more quantitative advantage.In this article, we'll explore the key benefits of executive coaching for C-suite leaders. We'll defin…
What Is Leadership Development?
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates once said, "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." True leadership is about bringing out the best in your team. However, empowering your team requires continuous self-development. It's easy to get caught up in everyday tasks and lose sight of the skills needed to inspire as a leader. That's why ongoing leadership growth is crucial, whether you already lead or aspire to.At Tandem Coaching, our leadership development…
Did you know research by The Manchester Review found that Fortune 500 companies investing in executive coaching saw an average return on investment of $100,000 or 5.7 times the initial investment?Sometimes, the benefits of personal development can be less tangible, such as improved communication abilities or enhanced leadership skills. However, that statistic shows a more quantitative advantage.In this article, we'll explore the key benefits of executive coaching for C-suite leaders. We'…
Exploring the Nuances - Executive Coaching vs Life Coaching
What Defines the Executive Coaching Process? The executive coaching process is a nuanced and multifaceted approach designed to enhance the effectiveness and leadership competencies of individuals in executive roles. Unlike life coaching, which often focuses on personal goals and well-being, executive coaching focuses primarily on professional development, management acumen, and organizational impact. The distinction between executive coaching and life coaching is crucial, as it highlights the s…
The Ultimate Guide to Best Life Coach Certification Programs for 2024
Becoming a certified life coach is a journey that can transform not only your life but also the lives of those you aim to help. This article delves into the best life coach certification programs of 2024, offering an in-depth look into how you can become a certified professional life coach. With a myriad of options available, choosing the right certification training program is crucial for your success in the coaching field. Whether you're looking to enrich your coaching skills, launch a coachin…
Navigating the path to leadership excellence through effective coaching agreements.
Tl;Dr; In this article, we explore the essential types of coaching agreements: session agreements, coaching engagement agreements, and legal contracts. These documents are crucial for maintaining clarity, professionalism, and legal protection in coaching relationships. Utilizing the STORMMES© model, coaches can effectively structure engagement agreements by outlining goals, timeframes, and success measures. This ensures a collaborative and transparent process, ultimately facilitating client self…
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