Hi, Cherie here! 

Coaching leadership and executive teams requires a deep understanding of group dynamics, clear ethical standards, and a robust set of skills. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) has outlined eight competencies specifically tailored for team coaching that ensures every session drives meaningful change. Here’s how these competencies can transform your coaching practice:

1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice

Ethics are the backbone of coaching. By treating the team as a single entity and maintaining clear boundaries across various coaching modalities, you establish trust and transparency. This foundation is critical for fostering a safe and productive coaching environment.

2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset

A coaching mindset is all about growth and learning. Engaging in coaching supervision and remaining objective helps you navigate team dynamics effectively, ensuring you can guide the team through their development journey with clarity and purpose.

ICF Core Coaching Competencies

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Dive into the essence of effective coaching with our exclusive brochure, meticulously crafted to help you master the ICF Core Coaching Competencies.

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3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements

Clarity is key in coaching. Explaining what team coaching entails and setting clear agreements about the coaching relationship, processes, and goals ensures everyone is on the same page. This competency also emphasizes the importance of partnering with all relevant stakeholders to create a collaborative coaching environment.

4. Cultivates Trust and Safety

Creating a safe space for open dialogue is essential for team growth. Encouraging honest interactions, fostering a common identity, and promoting effective communication within the team helps break down barriers and build a cohesive unit.

5. Maintains Presence

Being fully present allows you to use your sensory and perceptual abilities to focus on what’s important. Encouraging team members to reflect on their interactions enhances the coaching process and ensures that every session is impactful.

6. Listens Actively

Active listening involves more than just hearing words; it’s about understanding the underlying dynamics and patterns within the team. By noticing how team members’ perspectives relate and impact the collective energy, you can identify areas for development and foster a more collaborative environment.

7. Evokes Awareness

Challenging assumptions and behaviors is crucial for team development. By using questions and other techniques to enhance collective awareness, you empower the team to take ownership of their growth and dialogue, leading to deeper insights and stronger team cohesion.

Read more about coaching cultural awareness.

8. Facilitates Client Growth

The ultimate goal of team coaching is to facilitate growth. Encouraging dialogue and reflection helps the team identify their goals and the steps needed to achieve them. This competency is about guiding the team toward self-discovery and actionable strategies for improvement.

Are you eager to magnify the impact of your coaching practice? Our ICF Team Competencies program offers a seamless transition for those who have mastered the core competencies, allowing you to delve deeper into the complexities and rewards of team coaching. Explore this opportunity today.

Integrating these eight ICF team coaching competencies into your practice not only enhances your effectiveness as a coach but also ensures that your coaching sessions are ethical, impactful, and aligned with professional standards. By mastering these competencies, you’re equipped to lead teams through transformational change, fostering leadership and excellence within organizations.

Until next time, Cherie 💚