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Search results for: agile metrics

Agile Metrics - What Happens in Vegas, Monte Carlo
In the previous 3 articles I reviewed some of the most important Agile metrics that Dan Vacanti’s ActionableAgile software helps you to get with ease. Those were Cycle Time with the help of the Cycle Time Scatterplot, and a multitude of metrics, provided by the Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD). In the latest article we looked at Work Item Age and its importance with the help of Aging Work in Progress Diagram.Looking at the Cycle Time Scatterplot we discussed the significance of percentiles and how they can be used to predict the cycle time and avoid the trap of a single-number, point-in-time answer. This is cool, you’d say, but not merely enough, and I would agree. We need better techniques to predict possible timeframes for a completion of a set of work items. And, sometimes, we need to know how many right-sized work items can be completed within a given time frame.Let’s face it, we live in a real world, where “When Will It Be Done question” is as omnipresent as ever. We cannot bury our heads into the sands of the #NoEstimates beach and hope the questions will go away. Let’s learn better ways to answer those questions.
Mastering Agile Metrics - from Cycle Time to CFD
In the first part of Getting to 85 – Agile Metrics with ActionableAgile we looked at the Cycle Time Scatterplot as generated by ActionableAgile software. That piece also discussed some ideas the scatter plot could bring about and conversations that potentially might occur.Let’s take a look at another important chart and set of metrics the ActionableAgile can produce based on sample or custom loaded data – Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD).
Agile Metrics - Scrum and Kanban
Dive into the world of Agile Metrics, spotlighting Cycle Time's crucial role in Scrum and Kanban integration. Discover how embracing this often-overlooked metric can lead to significant gains in predictability and efficiency. This article marks the beginning of a series, aiming to demystify Agile measurements and their practical applications for today's dynamic project management landscapes.
Enterprise Agile Coaching: Sustaining Organizational Change Through Invitational Agile Coaching
Enterprise Agile Coaching Sustaining Organizational Change Through Invitational Agile Coaching Becoming an Agile Coach requires dedication, constant thirst for knowledge, and quality sources of information from trustworthy Agilists. The ‘Enterprise Agile Coaching’ book offers just that and much more. By Cherie Silas, MCC, CEC, Michael de la Maza, PhD, CEC, and Alex Kudinov, MCC, CEC […]
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