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The Agile Fluency Model with Diana Larsen

The Agile Fluency Conversation with Diana Larsen

Agile Leadership is not a title, it’s a mindset. This and other aspects of Agile Leadership we cover with author, speaker, and agile coach Zuzi Sochova in this episode of the Keeping Agile Coaching non-Denominational podcast.

Agile Leadership with Zuzi Sochova

Agile Leadership with Zuzi Sochova

Agile Leadership is not a title, it’s a mindset. This and other aspects of Agile Leadership we cover with author, speaker, and agile coach Zuzi Sochova in this episode of the Keeping Agile Coaching non-Denominational podcast.

Melissa Boggs - Unapologetically Rebellious - post

Unapologetically Rebellious with Melissa Boggs

Melissa Boggs served as a Chief Scrum Master of Scrum Alliance and had a unique perspective on the role of a Scrum Master for the whole organization. In the world where a lot of us are struggling with defining the role of a Scrum Master at the organizational level, Melissa shares her unique experience with our readers and listeners in this podcast episode.

Coaching Presence with Jo Fourtanier

Coaching Presence with Joanne Fourtanier

Coaching presence is one of the most complex and misunderstood professional coaching competencies. Cherie Silas and Alex Kudinov are chatting with Jo Fourtanier and discussing this competency in this podcast episode.

Unfreezing the Frozen Middle with Johanna Rothman

Unfreezing the Frozen Middle with Johanna Rothman

The middle management is often referred to as the Frozen Middle. The renowned expert in leadership and modern management Johanna Rothman joins Tandem Coaching podcast to discuss how to unfreeze that frozen middle.