CEO Coaching: Overview of the Best CEO Coaching Programs and More

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As a CEO, a lot depends on your decision-making within your company. You also face many challenges—stakeholders with competing interests surround you, and you must make judgments without unbiased counsel.

You may be concerned that your current culture is negatively impacting your business. You might not have the best processes to scale up operations. You may also seek guidance to catalyze the next stage of growth.

CEO coaching can help identify and address blind spots to elevate your managerial abilities to handle such challenges.

We at Tandem Coaching firmly believe in the power of coaching. We offer executive coaching for CXOs, VPs, Directors, and Senior Managers. Book a free consultation to see how we can help you overcome hurdles and realize your full potential.

What is CEO Coaching?

CEO coaching is a specialized form of executive coaching designed to address the unique challenges those at the very top face. It recognizes a fundamental truth of leadership: it can be very lonely at the top.

As a CEO, you often isolate yourself, with few people you can truly confide in or receive unbiased feedback from. This is where CEO coaching becomes invaluable. 

Your coach serves as a trusted confidant and sounding board, someone who can speak truth to power without the influence of internal politics or personal agendas.

CEO coaching goes beyond traditional executive coaching by focusing on:

  • Providing an outside perspective to challenge your thinking and broaden your viewpoint
  • Offering a safe space to discuss sensitive issues you can’t share with your team or board
  • Equipping you with strategies to handle high-pressure scenarios and complex decision-making
  • Helping you identify blind spots and overcome obstacles to personal and organizational growth
  • Enhancing your ability to build vision, direct strategy, manage board dynamics, and lead executive teams

You also get a clear idea of your leadership development and succession planning role.

The approach is highly personalized and tailored to address your unique goals, leadership style, and challenges. With CEO coaching, you gain not just a mentor but a partner in your journey to become a more effective, resilient, and visionary leader.

Female speaker presenting to an audience in a professional setting.

What Does a CEO Coach Do?

A CEO coach wears many hats, serving as a trusted advisor, sounding board, and accountability partner.

Here are some key responsibilities of a CEO coach:

  • Assessment: Assessing your strengths, weaknesses, leadership style, emotional intelligence, and potential blind spots through tools like 3600 feedback, personality tests, and leadership style inventories.
  • Development Plan Creation: Helping you create a focused leadership development strategy aligned with your ambitions and your organization’s growth objectives.
  • Feedback: Providing you actionable feedback and perspectives to amplify your strengths and refine areas needing improvement.
  • Skill Building: Teaching you tactics for leading teams, resolving conflicts, making complex decisions, and managing change effectively.
  • Trusted Counsel: Being a trusted confidant lets you discuss vision, strategy, obstacles faced, or sensitive issues transparently.
  • Motivation & Empowerment: Motivating and empowering you to drive innovation and growth while maintaining work-life harmony.

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, once said,

“All top athletes and performers have coaches who watch them and ask if what they’re doing is really what they meant to do.”

This sentiment rings true for CEOs as well. Like athletes, you can reap the benefits of executive coaching from having someone who watches your performance and helps you improve.

Business team collaborating on laptops with a smiling leader overseeing.

Importance of CEO Coaching in a Workplace

Here are some key reasons why CEO coaching is invaluable:

1. Achieve Leadership Excellence

CEO coaching helps you gain deeper self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a broader perspective – enabling wiser choices.

2. Make Better Decisions

CEOs can analyze all facets of complex issues by bouncing ideas with an objective third party. This leads to informed decision-making.

3. Drive Innovation & Growth

Coaches motivate CEOs to think creatively, spot unseen opportunities, and nurture a culture of innovation that manifests into a thriving organization.

4. Lead More Effectively

CEO coaching facilitates improved leadership capabilities. An executive coach is a specialist who partners with leaders, including CEOs, to help them communicate better, make decisions faster, and motivate their teams more effectively.

This partnership enhances clarity, sharpens communication skills with all levels of the organization, and builds the capacity to inspire others.

5. Improve Work-Life Balance

The high-pressure CEO role often leads to burnout. A coach helps instill resilience, stress management tactics, and balance.

CEO coaching drives exponential returns for organizations by helping you realize your full potential.

Professional explaining a chart during a business presentation.

List of Best CEO Coaching Programs

Here are some of the most popular CEO coaching programs globally:

1. Tandem Coaching

Founded by ICF Master Certified Coach Cherie Silas, Tandem Coaching specializes in CEO and executive coaching. Our personalized programs aim to amplify leadership talents, drive growth, and overcome hindrances.

With 20+ years of experience working with small to mid-sized companies and Fortune 500 clients, Cherie’s empathetic and empowering approach makes her an invaluable asset.

Are you a new executive looking to improve or a successful manager aiming for even greater heights? Our Individual Executive Coaching program offers a tailored journey of discovery and growth.

Using our unique ASPIRE (Assess, Strategize, Plan, Implement, Review, Elevate) framework for growth and development, we help you enhance your effectiveness, strategic vision, and emotional intelligence.

Ready to unlock your full potential? Get in touch with us to start your personalized coaching journey.

2. John Mattone Global

John Mattone, named the “World’s Top CEO Coach” by Thinkers50, offers CEO coaching through his firm, John Mattone Global.

With over 200 C-suite executive coaching experiences, including working with Steve Jobs, John leverages his CEO-Whisperer approach focused on Intelligent Leadership.

3. ghSMART

ghSMART provides CEO coaching through their Leadership Capital Index 360° assessment. These personalized coaching programs aim to enhance leadership skills, achieve life goals, and drive organizational growth.

With an innovative strengths-based methodology verified by social scientists, ghSMART empowers many CEOs globally.

4. EOS Worldwide

EOS Worldwide offers executive team coaching programs for leadership teams seeking alignment to a common vision.

With their Entrepreneurial Operating System® centered around transparency and accountability, EOS helps leaders gain traction and achieve results through better vision, planning, and discipline. Over 275,000 companies have benefited from their coaching.

Here are some other CEO coaching programs available that stand out for their comprehensive approach and proven results:

  • Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute: This program, associated with the prestigious UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, offers a rigorous approach to CEO coaching. It combines academic research with practical application, helping CEOs develop strategic thinking and emotional intelligence.
  • Vistage Executive Leadership Program: Vistage offers a unique blend of peer advisory groups and one-on-one coaching. This program lets CEOs learn from their coach and other executives facing similar challenges.
  • Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching: Developed by world-renowned executive coach Marshall Goldsmith, this program focuses on measurable leadership growth through a process that involves dealing with difficult stakeholders in the CEO’s development.
  • Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership: While not exclusively for CEOs, this high-level coaching program offers intensive one-on-one coaching sessions with Tony Robbins himself, along with exclusive events and networking opportunities with other high-performing individuals.

Business professionals discussing ideas during a team meeting.

When Should You Hire a CEO Coach?

While CEO coaching can be beneficial at any stage of your career, there are certain situations where it becomes essential:

  • Transitioning Into a New Role: Whether you’re a first-time CEO or moving to a larger organization, a coach can help you navigate the challenges of your new position.
  • Facing Significant Challenges: If your company struggles with financial difficulties, rapid growth, or major market shifts, an executive coach can provide valuable insights and strategies.
  • Preparing for a Major Change: Whether it’s a merger, acquisition, or significant strategic shift, a coach can help you prepare for and manage large-scale changes.
  • Improving Specific Skills: If you’ve identified areas to improve (such as public speaking or strategic planning), a coach can help you develop these skills.
  • Seeking Better Work-Life Balance: Many CEOs struggle to balance their professional and personal lives. A coach can help you develop strategies for better time management and stress reduction.
  • Planning for Succession: As you prepare to hand over the reins, a coach can help you develop a robust succession plan and prepare for your next chapter.

Remember, seeking out a coach isn’t a sign of weakness – it’s a proactive step towards becoming a better CEO. 

Coaching is recommended when feeling stuck, needing inspiration, aiming for quantum leaps in management, or after gaining extensive experience but requiring guidance to reach the next level.

An experienced CEO coach accelerates professional and organizational growth.

A team of business people in a meeting, focused on a laptop as they share ideas and insights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are answers to some commonly asked CEO coaching questions:

What is CEO Succession Coaching?

CEO succession coaching, also called legacy coaching, ensures a smooth leadership transition upon an incumbent CEO’s departure.

It entails current CEOs mentoring and coaching internal candidates to carry the torch forward seamlessly while leaving their unique mark.

Timely succession coaching averts instability, prevents leadership gaps, and guarantees continuity post-transition.

Is Startup CEO Coaching Any Different?

Yes, startup CEO coaching differs as it requires even greater adaptability, comfort with uncertainty, management of constraints, and handling high-pressure scenarios with resource limitations.

Venture growth support, fundraising tactics, talent retention despite limited ability for incentives, and managing investor expectations are extra areas coaches support startup CEOs on.

What are the Best CEO Coaching Packages?

Some common elements of effective executive coaching solutions include:

  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions: Regular, private sessions between the CEO and their coach form the core of most coaching packages.
  • Assessment Tools: Many packages include comprehensive assessments to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Action Planning: Coaches work with CEOs to develop concrete action plans for achieving their goals.
  • Progress Tracking: Regular check-ins and progress evaluations help ensure the CEO is moving towards their objectives.
  • Access to Resources: Some packages include access to additional resources like workshops, webinars, or peer groups.

At Tandem Coaching, we offer flexible coaching packages that can be customized to meet your specific needs as a CEO. Our ASPIRE method ensures a structured approach to growth while allowing for the flexibility to address urgent issues as they arise.

Schedule a free consultation with us to learn more!


CEO coaching offers tremendous value for you to amplify strengths, address blind spots, spearhead strategic growth, and maximize personal and organizational potential. 

We at Tandem Coaching offer bespoke executive coaching programs tailored to refine your decision-making and communication skills while mapping an efficient path to realizing your ambitions. 

Transform your journey and propel your career to new heights through weekly/bi-weekly coaching sessions. Reach out to us and discover how our structured yet flexible approach helps craft a blueprint for surpassing your objectives.

Cherie Silas, MCC, CEC
Cherie Silas, MCC

Cherie is a co-founder and the CEO of Tandem Coaching. Her background is in executive, leadership, and agile coaching as well as organizational design. She has over 20 years of experience as a corporate leader and uses that background to partner with business executives and their leadership teams to identify and solve their most challenging people, process, and business problems in measurable ways.

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Cherie Silas, MCC, ACTC, CEC

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