How to Create a Successful Leadership Development Program


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What separates a thriving organization from one that struggles to keep pace?

Often, it’s the quality of leadership. 50% of CEOs view developing the next generation of leaders as one of their top concerns. Great leaders are shaped by experience combined with intentional development. Whether you aim to strengthen your current leadership team or nurture emerging talent, a well-designed leadership development program can be the catalyst that unlocks your team’s full potential.

By honing essential skills, boosting overall performance, and driving success throughout the organization, these programs offer a strategic path to leadership growth that aligns with your company’s long-term vision.

In this article, we will look into how you put together an effective leadership program and its essential components.

TL;DR – How to Create a Leadership Development Program

This is just a quick overview of the steps it takes to create an effective leadership program:

Step 1: Identify leadership goals

Step 2: Assess current capabilities

Step 3: Design the program

Step 4: Implement the program

Step 5: Involve executives

Step 6: Gather feedback and evaluate

Step 7: Measure impact and foster a learning culture

We’ll talk about these steps in much more detail below.

If you would like to start your own leadership development journey, reach out to us at Tandem Coaching to benefit from our experience to build and execute effective programs for you.

Professional development workshop with participants and presenter.

What is a Leadership Development Program?

A leadership development program is a structured initiative designed to cultivate and enhance organizational leadership skills. These programs are tailored to meet a company’s specific needs, focusing on areas such as strategic thinking, communication, emotional intelligence, and decision-making.

By fostering these competencies, leadership development programs help prepare employees for higher-level responsibilities, ensuring a strong pipeline of future leaders.

The primary aim of such programs is to build leaders who can guide their teams toward achieving business objectives while fostering a positive and productive work environment. This involves formal training and real-world experiences that challenge and refine leadership abilities.

Leadership Development Program Example

Imagine a mid-sized technology firm looking to expand its market presence. To support this growth, the company needs leaders who not only excel technically but also possess the ability to inspire innovation and manage teams effectively.

The firm enrolls its potential leaders in our 9-month program that begins with a 360-degree leadership assessment, providing deep insights into each participant’s strengths and areas for improvement. Throughout the program, these leaders engage in 1-on-1 coaching and mastermind sessions, developing personalized plans to enhance their leadership skills. By the end, a repeat assessment measures their progress, ensuring they are equipped to tackle greater challenges as the company scales.

Sounds exactly like what you need? Contact us now to get started.

A diverse group of individuals seated in a room adorned with various pieces of art on the walls.

What’s Included in a Leadership Development Program?

A comprehensive leadership development program typically includes:

  • Assessment Tools: 360-degree feedback, personality assessments, and other tools to measure leadership potential and growth.
  • Coaching and Mentorship: Personalized guidance from experienced leaders to help develop individual strengths and address weaknesses.
  • Workshops: Covering essential leadership topics like communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution.
  • Peer Learning: Mastermind sessions to exchange best practices and experiences.
  • Real-world Application: Opportunities to apply learning through stretch assignments, team leadership roles, or special projects.
  • Leadership Development Activities: Some more outside-the-box leadership development activities that are fun and effective.
  • Continuous Learning Resources: Access to books, online courses, webinars, and other materials to support ongoing development.

These elements ensure that participants are learning theoretical concepts and applying them in ways that directly benefit the organization.

Diverse business team in a conference room with a presenter at a whiteboard.

How to Create a Leadership Development Program

To create an effective leadership development program, you must follow a clear, strategic process that ensures alignment with your organization’s goals and equips leaders with the necessary skills.

Step 1: Identify Leadership Goals

Start by determining what leadership qualities are most important to your organization. Think about how these qualities align with your business objectives.

Are you focusing on growth, improving retention, or increasing engagement? Your program should address these priorities to make a tangible impact.

Step 2: Assess Current Capabilities

Evaluate your current leadership team to identify gaps or areas for improvement.

A 360 assessment is a great tool for that. Understanding the existing strengths and weaknesses will help you design a program that effectively fills those gaps.

Step 3: Design the Program

Develop a curriculum tailored to your organization’s needs. Incorporate a mix of training, mentoring, coaching, peer-to-peer support and practical experiences.

Ensure the content is relevant to your identified leadership qualities and aligns with your business goals.

Step 4: Implement the Program

Launch the program with clear communication about its purpose, benefits, and expectations. Ensure participants understand how the program will help them grow as leaders and contribute to the organization’s success.

Provide the necessary resources and support to facilitate their learning journey.

Step 5: Involve Executives

Engage senior leaders in the design and implementation of the program.

Their involvement adds credibility and demonstrates the organization’s commitment to leadership development. Encourage them to share their experiences and insights with participants.

Step 6: Gather Feedback and Evaluate

Collect feedback from participants throughout the program to gauge their engagement and learning progress. After the program, evaluate its effectiveness by comparing performance changes against the initial objectives.

Use this feedback to refine and improve future iterations of the program.

Step 7: Measure Impact and Foster a Learning Culture

Assess the program’s long-term impact on individual leaders and the organization. Look at metrics such as retention rates, career progression, and business outcomes. To ensure ongoing success, build a culture of continuous learning by offering ongoing development opportunities and recognizing participants’ achievements.

By following these steps, you’ll create a leadership development program that enhances your leaders’ abilities and drives your organization toward its strategic goals.

Female speaker presenting to an engaged audience at a business seminar.

How to Improve a Leadership Development Program

Even the best leadership development programs need regular updates to stay relevant and effective.

Here’s how to continuously improve your program:

  • Incorporate Feedback: Regularly collect participant feedback and adjust the program to meet their needs better.
  • Update Content: Keep the curriculum current by integrating the latest leadership theories, tools, and practices.
  • Enhance Real-world Application: Provide more opportunities for participants to apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations, perhaps by increasing the complexity or scope of assignments.
  • Leverage Technology: Use digital tools and platforms to enhance learning experiences, such as virtual simulations, online courses, and interactive workshops.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Standards: Regularly compare your program against industry benchmarks and best practices to ensure it remains competitive.

Continuous improvement ensures that your program remains valuable for growing your organization’s leadership capabilities.

Contact us now to learn more about our leadership development program, which has been honed and improved over the years.

Colleagues listening to a senior executive's presentation.

How to Measure the Success of a Leadership Development Program

Measure the success of a leadership development program by using a blend of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Begin by assessing improvements in participants’ job performance and leadership abilities through regular performance evaluations. This gives you some insight into how effectively the program enhances leadership skills.

Additionally, gather feedback from participants, their peers, and supervisors to understand how the program impacts day-to-day operations and how effective it is overall.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Have the retention rates of high-potential leaders improved?
  • Is the program successfully engaging and developing future leaders?
  • Have you seen an increase in promotions and responsibilities?
  • Do you feel the program has been successful in preparing participants for higher roles?
  • What impact have you seen on key business metrics—like productivity, employee engagement, and profitability?

Answering these questions should give you an idea of how the program contributes to both individual growth and organizational objectives.

Finally, there’s the ROI (Return On Investment) that you can measure. Businesses, on average, experienced a 29% return on investment just three months after completing leadership development training, with annual ROI reaching as much as 415%.

These combined metrics ensure that the leadership development program is not only meeting its goals but also driving sustainable business success.

Diverse team members join hands in a high-five, showcasing teamwork in an office environment.

List of the Best Leadership Development Programs

Here’s a curated list of some of the most respected leadership development programs available today:

  • Tandem Coaching Leadership Development: Our 9-month leadership development program combines 1-on-1 coaching, a personalized development plan, and mastermind sessions to help you enhance your leadership abilities. It begins and ends with a 360-degree assessment to measure progress and focuses on sustainable, ongoing growth.
  • Harvard Business School’s Leadership Development Program: A comprehensive program focused on developing strategic thinking and leadership skills.
  • Wharton Executive Education: Offers programs that blend academic rigor with practical application, focusing on global leadership challenges.

Each program offers unique strengths and approaches, making them valuable options for organizations looking to invest in leadership development.

Want to know more about our Leadership Development Program? Contact us now to find out all the details.

A diverse group of individuals seated at tables, engaged in conversation within a well-lit room.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some questions we frequently get about creating effective leadership development programs:

Why is Leadership Development Important?

Leadership development is essential because it fosters your personal growth, enhancing the work environment you create. As you grow as a leader, you’ll naturally cultivate a more engaging and supportive atmosphere for your team. This not only motivates your employees but also increases their productivity and commitment.

People work for people, and when you’re a strong, empathetic leader, your team will be more inclined to go the extra mile, leading to greater overall success for your organization.

For a deeper dive into the benefits of leadership development programs, read our blog post on the topic.

What Makes a Great Leadership Development Program?

A great leadership development program is tailored to your organization’s specific needs and your leaders, combining training, coaching, real-world application, and continuous improvement. The best programs also integrate 360-degree feedback, which offers you insights from various perspectives, and masterminding sessions, where you collaborate with other leaders on problem-solving and sharing knowledge.

If you align these elements with your organization’s strategic goals, you create measurable outcomes and help build a continuous growth and learning culture.


Investing in a leadership development program is one of the most effective ways to ensure the long-term success of your organization. By developing strong, capable leaders who can navigate challenges, inspire teams, and drive performance, you’re setting your organization up for sustained growth and achievement.

Whether you’re just starting to build your program or looking to improve an existing one, the strategies and insights shared here will help you unlock your team’s full potential.

Contact us now to take the next steps on your leadership development path alongside an experienced partner.

Cherie Silas, MCC, CEC
Cherie Silas, MCC

Cherie is a co-founder and the CEO of Tandem Coaching. Her background is in executive, leadership, and agile coaching as well as organizational design. She has over 20 years of experience as a corporate leader and uses that background to partner with business executives and their leadership teams to identify and solve their most challenging people, process, and business problems in measurable ways.

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Cherie Silas, MCC, ACTC, CEC

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