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Earn Your ICF ACC Certification with Our Professional Coach Credential Program

With Cherie Silas, MCC, CEC
Alex Kudinov, MCC, CEC

Download Your Free ICF ACC Certification Guide Now and Step into the World of Professional Coaching

Achieve Global Recognition

Achieve Global Recognition as an ICF Coach

Start your journey to becoming an ICF ACC or PCC certified coach, opening doors to worldwide coaching opportunities and professional growth.

Learn from Master Coaches

Learn from Master Mentor Coaches

Gain insights and direct mentorship from world-class Master Certified Coaches, including Cherie Silas and Alex Kudinov, to enhance your coaching skills and knowledge.

Personalized Learning Experience

Personalized Learning and Coaching Experience

Enjoy a learning experience tailored to your lifestyle with our mix of short sessions, hands-on practice, and mentorship, available both online and offline.

Clear Pathways to Certification

Clear Pathways to earn an ICF Coach Certification

Navigate through our structured programs designed for both budding and experienced coaches, with explicit tracks leading to Tandem’s exclusive certifications and ICF credentials.

Commit to Ethics and Excellence

Commit to Ethics and Excellence

Embark on a coaching career grounded in ICF Core Values and Ethics, ensuring your practice is both effective and respectful, catering to a diverse client base.

Get Your ICF ACC Credential Course Catalog & Exclusive Offer

Ready for a leap in your coaching career? Let us send you our detailed course catalog and a special offer to kickstart your journey. Just a click away from unlocking your potential!

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ICF ACC Level 1 Coachg Training Program Logo
ICF ACC Level 1 Accredited Coach Training - TCA-CAC Certified Life Coach

World-Class Curriculum: Your Pathway to ICF Professional Coaching Credentials

Transformational Coaching Techniques

Transformational Coaching Techniques

Master the art of powerful questioning with our Transformational Questions to unlock deep insights and foster significant client breakthroughs.

Advanced Listening Techniques

Advanced Listening Skills

Delve into the nuances of Multi-level Listening to understand your clients beyond words, ensuring a deeper connection and more effective coaching outcomes.

Commit to Ethics and Excellence

Ethical Coaching Practices

Ground yourself in ethical excellence with Ethics and Practice Administration, emphasizing adherence to the ICF Code of Ethics and professional practice management.

Learn from Master Coaches

Real-World Coaching Practice

Engage in extensive Practice and Feedback Labs, offering live coaching sessions enriched with instructor and peer feedback to refine your coaching approach.

Navigating Complex Conversations

Navigating Complex Conversations

Equip yourself to handle challenging scenarios with Coaching Toxic Communication Strategies, enhancing your ability to manage and transform difficult interactions.

Navigating Complex Conversations

Focused Skill Development

Benefit from specialized modules like Designing Actions & Accountability and Maintaining Coaching Presence to develop targeted skills for comprehensive coaching effectiveness.

Test Drive Before You Sign Up

Embark on your journey to becoming an ICF Associate Certified Coach with complete confidence. Before you commit, we invite you to take a free test drive of our ACC Coach Certification Training. Dive into a curated selection of 4 out of our extensive 28+ classes, designed to give you a real taste of the transformative journey ahead.

Experience First-Hand Quality

Experience First-Hand Quality

Get a feel for the depth and practicality of our training. Experience our teaching style and course materials firsthand.

Make Informed Decisions

Make an Informed Decision

Your career as a coach is significant. We want you to be confident and fully informed about the journey you're about to embark on.

Connect with Our Community

Connect with Our Community

Access a snippet of our vibrant community and support network, an essential part of your learning and growth as a coach.

Elevate your coaching journey with our premier coaching training program, integrating essential coaching tools to enhance your practice.

TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway - Certified Associate Coach Training Program is your gateway to becoming an ICF Credentialed Associate Certified Coach.

This class is designed for aspiring coaches committed to excellence, this program is the first step towards global recognition and foundational mastery in the coaching field.

Embark on a transformative training path with us and ignite your coaching career, equipped with the skills, knowledge, certification and credentials to stand out in the coaching industry.

Begin your ascent to coaching excellence and leadership with the TCA Accelerate coach training certification program today.

Become a Coach with Our Coach Certification Program

Welcome to the TCA-AC Accelerate Coaching Program. An intensive coaching certification and credentialing journey offered through our course, designed to launch aspiring life coaches into their coaching career. This program lays the groundwork for applying for the ICF credential, offering a deep dive into core coaching competencies blend of theoretical knowledge, practical application, and personal development to ensure you’re ready to coach at a professional level.

Coach Training Program Overview

  • Duration: Comprehensive and immersive, our course span over a period of 6 to 9 months, tailored to instill deep understanding and proficiency in life coach practices.
  • Format: Explore diverse training options, engaging in live learning sessions, recorded materials, and hands-on coaching practice. All sessions for our life coach certification are facilitated by our experienced instructors, providing real-time feedback and guidance.
  • Learning Platform: Take advantage of our dedicated learning management system for course materials, session recordings, and additional resources as part of our coaching education program. Join our vibrant community on Slack for ongoing support and collaboration.

Coach Certification Training Program Key Components

  1. Weekly Live Learning Sessions: Two-hour interactive sessions via Zoom, focusing on integrating coaching theory with practice.
  2. Digital Learning Materials: Gain lifetime access to session recordings, PDFs of slides, and enriching digital companion materials, including life coaching tools.
  3. ICF Core Competencies: Deep dive into these important concepts through targeted learning modules and practical application.
  4. Mentor Coaching: Every coach receives targeted support through both group and individual sessions, focusing on refining skills to meet ICF standards.
  5. Practical Coaching Experience: Utilize your Reciprocoach membership to engage in real coaching sessions, both as a coach and a client.

ICF Credentialing Program Certification and Graduation

  • Requirements: Complete program requirements, log 100 hours of coaching practice, and demonstrate coaching competency at the ICF-ACC level credential through graded recordings.
  • Certification: Earn your coaching certificate upon successful completion of our professional coach certification program, receiving the Tandem Coaching Academy – Certified Associate Coach designation.

Enhance Your Coaching Journey

  • Supplementary Readings: Immerse yourself in the recommended literature available on our online training platform to broaden your coaching knowledge and skills on your way to becoming a professional certified coach.
  • Continuous Learning: Participate in group supervision sessions and engage in our Heartbeat Community for ongoing development and networking within your budding coaching business.

Admission Requirements

  • Open to all aspiring coaches with a passion for learning and growth. No prior coaching experience is required.

Coach Certification Program Tuition and Fees

Elevate your potential with our comprehensive program, starting at $725/month. Experience a seamless journey enriched with expert-led mentorship, extensive coaching, and all required materials included. No hidden costs, just clear and straightforward value. Curious about more? Dive into our extensive FAQ for details on our flexible payment plans designed with your financial ease in mind for our life coach program.

Become a Coach with Tandem Professional Coach Training

Join the TCA-AC Accelerate Coaching Program and embark on a transformative journey to refine your coaching skills and become a professional coach. With our comprehensive curriculum from our training institute, expert mentorship, and supportive community, you’ll be well-prepared to obtain your ICF credential and make a significant impact in the lives of individuals and organizations.

For more information and to enroll, visit fill out our application form below.

ICF Accredited Life Coach Training Curriculum

Welcome to the TCA-AC (Tandem Coaching Academy – Associate Coach) program, a meticulously crafted curriculum designed to lay the foundation for your professional coaching journey. At Tandem Coaching Academy, we understand that becoming a coach is not just about acquiring skills; it’s about transforming lives—yours and those you will coach. That’s why we’ve developed what we believe to be the premier curriculum for aspiring coaches, meeting the ICF credentialing requirements needed to earn the ICF ACC credential.

Our ICF-accredited curriculum aligns with ICF core competencies and ethical standards, ensuring the education you receive is both relevant and globally recognized. Here’s why our program provides the best curriculum for learning coaching with Tandem:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: We carefully select each topic in our curriculum to cover all essential aspects of coaching. You’ll master foundational skills, build effective coaching relationships, navigate ethical considerations, and fulfill the 100 hours of coaching experience required by the ICF. This prepares you for coaching in diverse settings.
  • Practical Application: Learning by doing is key! Our curriculum emphasizes practical application through live coaching practice, feedback labs, and ICF credentialed mentor coaching sessions. You’ll graduate with knowledge and the real-world coaching experience hours essential for certification.
  • Depth of Content: Each module offers a deep dive into the subject matter, exceeding the standard 60 hours of coach-specific training mandated by the ICF. This in-depth approach builds the expertise that sets you apart as an ICF credentialed coach.
  • Flexibility and Support: Our program is flexible, with live, remote, in-person training, and asynchronous learning to align with your lifestyle. Dedicated instructors support you every step of the way.
  • Ethical Integrity: The ICF Code of Ethics is central to our curriculum. We ensure you practice coaching with the highest professionalism and integrity.
  • Continuous Learning and Development: Our comprehensive approach goes beyond foundational skills to foster a lifelong learning mindset. This not only prepares you for the ICF ACC credential, but sets you on a fulfilling path for career growth as a business coach, aligning with the ever-evolving ICF definition of coaching.

The TCA-AC program is not just a course, it’s a transformative journey within a community passionate about coaching excellence. Our curriculum is designed to challenge, inspire, and empower you to become the best coach you can be. After completing the coach-specific training hours, the coach knowledge assessment, and the required coaching experience hours, you’ll be equipped to apply for your ICF ACC and make a real difference in the lives of those you coach. Welcome to the start of your coaching career with Tandem Coaching Academy.

Each topic is designed to build upon the last, creating a comprehensive learning journey that equips participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel as a coach and prepare for the ICF ACC credentialing process.

Explore the power of questions that spark insight and facilitate deep reflection. These questions are at the heart of the art and science of coaching. As part of your executive coach training, learn how to craft and deliver questions that encourage clients to think beyond their current perspectives, leading to significant shifts in understanding and action.

Master the art of establishing clear, mutual agreements for coaching sessions within the recommended coaching model. This module covers setting the foundation for effective coaching relationships by defining the purpose, goals, and boundaries of the coaching engagement within the context of today’s coaching model.

Develop your listening skills across three levels: internal listening, focused listening, and global listening. Enhance your ability to hear not just the words, but also the emotions, values, and underlying messages in your client’s communication.

Learn to collaboratively design actions that move clients toward their goals while establishing accountability mechanisms that encourage follow-through. This includes setting SMART goals and creating supportive structures using coaching tools for client success.

Shift the focus from problem-solving to coaching the whole person. This alternative approach emphasizes the client’s growth, learning, and discovery. It facilitates sustainable change by addressing the root causes of challenges rather than just the symptoms, akin to the continuing education provided to clients and the coaching profession.

Enhance your active listening skills to fully engage with your clients. This certified professional life coach approach involves listening with empathy, acknowledging and validating the client’s experience, and using silence as a tool to promote deeper introspection.

Cultivate the ability to communicate effectively and directly in coaching sessions. This includes using clear, concise language, providing honest feedback, and employing powerful questioning and observation techniques to evoke awareness.

Learn leadership coaching techniques and tools to help clients gain new insights and perspectives. As an executive coach, focus on facilitating moments of realization that can lead to transformative change. Use methods such as metaphorical thinking, reframing, and exploring alternative viewpoints in line with continuing education standards set for ICF coaches.

Develop the skills to be fully present and engaged with your client, creating a supportive and open space for exploration. Learn how to manage your own emotions and reactions, staying focused on the client’s needs and agenda.

Explore the dynamics of the coaching relationship, from establishing trust and intimacy to managing progress and transitions. Understand the importance of co-creating the relationship with the client, ensuring a partnership that fosters growth and achievement.

Identify and challenge limiting beliefs that hold clients back. Learn strategies for uncovering these beliefs, understanding their impact, and helping clients to reframe or replace them with empowering alternatives.

Cultivate a coaching mindset that embraces curiosity, openness, and a commitment to the client’s growth. This module covers the attitudes and behaviors that support effective coaching, including self-reflection, continuous learning, and adaptability.

Leverage the power of silence in coaching conversations. Understand how strategic pauses can encourage deeper reflection, give space for emotions, and facilitate breakthrough insights.

Make full use of the potential of metaphors to deepen understanding, evoke change, and revolutionize the client’s world, in alignment with the true purpose of coaching. Learn how to recognize and utilize metaphors in coaching conversations, helping clients to explore their experiences and goals in creative and insightful ways.

Discover how to recognize and use your client’s language of appreciation to enhance motivation and engagement. Introduction to the five languages of appreciation and their application in coaching.

Dive into the core values and beliefs that drive your clients’ behaviors and decisions. As part of our online training, learn techniques for identifying these foundational elements and aligning coaching goals and actions with them.

An in-depth look at the ethical considerations in coaching, based on the ICF Code of Ethics. Covers best practices for building a coaching business, managing your coaching practice as a certified life coach, including confidentiality, professional conduct, and client agreements.

Master the process of defining clear, achievable outcomes for coaching engagements. Learn how to work with clients as a certified professional life coach to articulate their goals in a way that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.

Strategies for monitoring and supporting client progress throughout the coaching engagement. Includes techniques for adjusting coaching plans, overcoming obstacles, and celebrating successes.

Introduction to four distinct coaching conversations: BE (being), RELATE (relationships), INSPIRE (motivation), and THINK (reflection). Learn how to navigate and apply each type to different coaching scenarios.

Understand and address toxic communication patterns in the coaching process, such as blame, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt. Learn strategies for coaching clients through these challenges in personal and professional relationships.

Meet Your Coach Training Program Instructors

Cherie Silas, MCC, CEC – Executive Coach, Director of Education

Cherie Silas is a beacon of coaching excellence, bringing her vast experience and passion for coaching to the TCA Accelerate program. As an ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC), Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), and an executive coach, Cherie embodies the highest standards of the coaching profession. Her expertise spans across various coaching domains, making her an unparalleled guide for those embarking on their journey to achieving the ICF ACC credential.

Cherie’s approach to coaching education is deeply rooted in the belief that effective coaching transforms lives. Through her leadership in the TCA Accelerate program, she ensures that each participant gains not only the skills and knowledge needed for certification but also the confidence to apply these competencies in real-world settings. Her teaching style is interactive and focused on practical application, ensuring that learning is both engaging and deeply impactful.

Participants in the TCA Accelerate program benefit from Cherie’s insightful feedback, compassionate guidance, and unwavering support. She is dedicated to fostering a learning environment where aspiring coaches can thrive, grow, and ultimately succeed in their professional coaching careers.

Alex Kudinov, MCC, CEC – Executive and Organizational Coach

Alex Kudinov brings a wealth of coaching knowledge and experience to the TCA Accelerate program. As an ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC) and Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), his expertise in coaching is both broad and deep, covering individual, team, and organizational coaching domains. Alex’s passion for coaching is matched by his commitment to educating the next generation of coaching professionals.

In the TCA Accelerate program, Alex focuses on equipping participants with the core competencies and ethical frameworks essential for effective coaching practice. His teaching methodology emphasizes the importance of experiential learning, offering students ample opportunities to practice their coaching skills in real-life scenarios. Through mentor coaching sessions, Alex provides personalized feedback and guidance, helping each participant refine their coaching style and approach.

Alex’s contributions to the TCA Accelerate program are invaluable. His experience, combined with a pragmatic and thoughtful approach to coaching education, ensures that participants are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of a coaching career. Under his mentorship, aspiring coaches develop the skills, confidence, and ethical grounding to excel in their pursuit of the ICF ACC credential.

How Are You Going to Change the World? We Have Answers!

Embarking on the journey to become a coach is a significant decision, and it’s natural to have questions about what lies ahead. We understand the importance of having clear information to make an informed choice about your education. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive FAQ section to address the queries you might have about the TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway – Certified Associate Coach Program.

From program specifics, cost, and application process to what you can expect upon completion, we’ve got answers to your most pressing questions. Our goal as an accredited coach online training is to ensure you feel confident and ready to take the next step towards achieving your coaching aspirations with TCA.

Read on to find detailed insights and guidance that will illuminate your path to becoming a Certified Life Coach. If you have further questions or need personalized assistance, our admissions team is just an application away and eager to help you get started. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

The TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway – Certified Associate Coach Program is Tandem Coaching Academy’s premier certification course designed to rigorously prepare aspiring coaches for the International Coach Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential. This comprehensive program blends theoretical learning with practical coaching experience, ensuring participants develop the essential skills and knowledge to excel in the coaching profession and achieve ICF ACC certification.

This program is ideal for individuals seeking to embark on a coaching career, professionals aiming to integrate coaching skills into their current roles, and anyone aspiring to achieve the ICF ACC credential. The TCA Accelerate program provides a structured path for developing robust coaching skills recognized globally by the ICF. Aspiring coaches usually spend 6-9 months in our program before they obtain the ACC credential.

No, there are no prerequisites for enrolling in the TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway – Certified Associate Coach Program. It is designed to welcome individuals at the start of their coaching journey, offering a comprehensive foundation in coaching principles and practices aligned with ICF standards. On the other hand, this program is a pre-requisite for our Professional Certified Coach training, that focuses on coaching teams, systems, and organization and that helps you to earn PCC credential. In this program we will build a solid professional coaching foundation based upon ICF core competencies.

The TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway Program offers a dynamic combination of live, instructor-led sessions and self-paced study over a period that aligns with the ICF’s requirements for ACC certification. The program usually takes 6-9 months to complete. This format ensures flexibility and comprehensive exposure to both theoretical and practical aspects of coaching. During this program aspiring coaches not only undergo necessary level coaching training, get their training hours, working on getting their coaching experience, but also work with our MCC-level mentor coaches who help them level their required competencies to achieve the ICF Associate Certified Coach credential.

The curriculum covers a wide range of critical coaching topics, including ICF Core Competencies, coaching ethics, effective communication, goal setting, and techniques for facilitating client growth. Each module is designed to equip participants with the skills needed to navigate diverse coaching scenarios successfully and progress towards ICF credential.

See our detailed curriculum under the Curriculum tab.

The TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway – Certified Associate Coach Program meets the ICF’s educational and mentor coaching requirements for ACC credentialing. Our comprehensive online training includes coach-specific training hours, mentor coaching, and practical coaching experience, preparing participants to apply for and achieve ICF credentialing.

Tuition covers all aspects of the TCA Accelerate Program, including access to all course materials, live training sessions, mentor coaching, practical coaching labs, Reciprocoach membership and support in navigating the ICF credentialing process. Participants embarking on our life coach training, receive comprehensive resources to support their journey to becoming ICF-certified life coaches.

Our Level 1 program gives you at least 60 hours of training, and 10 hours of mentor coaching to meet the ICF training requirements. Our PCC program gives you more than 125 hours. You can earn more than 200 hours of coach training combined with Tandem programs. In short, our programs give you almost everything (except the necessary practice hours) you need for earning an ICF credentials.

To ensure the program accessibility, we offer it through initial monthly payments starting at just $725, providing affordable training options for future certified life coaches for the entire program. While other training schools tackle on all kind of fees, we pride ourselves on transparency. No hidden fees of any kind, ever. Designed to support your financial realities, our program unfolds a variety of payment plans to ensure you can advance your education and training effortlessly and affordably.

Dive into an all-encompassing educational experience of our life coach training programs, inclusive of in-depth training modules, all the necessary materials you might need, plus an extensive range of life coaching practices. This includes four rounds of ReciproCoach, adding up to 24 hours, alongside mentorship sessions from seasoned professionals. Rest assured, the price encompasses all these elements without the concern of hidden charges or extra fees.

From the moment you decide to join us, our commitment to your success is paramount. Our admissions team eagerly awaits to discuss flexible payment plan options available for our life coach certification program with you, once your application is in. Their guidance will help you navigate through the choices to find the plan that aligns with your financial and educational goals, setting you on a clear path to achieving your certification.

Yes, the TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway – Certified Associate Coach Program offers flexible payment options to make the life coach training and certification process accessible. Prospective students are encouraged to explore these options to find a plan that aligns with their financial needs.

Completing the TCA Accelerate Program fulfills the ICF’s educational and mentor coaching requirements for the ACC credential. However, participants must also complete the required coaching hours and successfully pass the comprehensive ICF’s examination to receive their ACC credential. ICF offers extensive resources that would allow you to complete the application. You will likely need to join ICF as a member before becoming applying for an ACC credential an ICF certified coach. We can discuss the process at length as your program draws to a close.

Graduates of the TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway Program join a vibrant community of professional coaches and gain access to ongoing learning opportunities, professional development resources, and support for navigating the ICF credentialing process. Tandem Coaching Academy is committed to supporting its graduates in their continued growth and success in the coaching field.

Applying for the TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway – Certified Associate Coach Program is straightforward and you’re already on the right track by being on this page. Simply scroll down to find the application form provided below. Fill it out with your details and any relevant information about your coaching aspirations or background. Once submitted, our dedicated admissions team will review your application and reach out to you with the next steps to get you started on your journey to becoming a certified ICF ACC coach.

Our application process is designed to be as seamless and user-friendly as possible, ensuring that you can focus on what truly matters—preparing for an enriching career in coaching. We’re excited to have you join our community of aspiring coaches and look forward to supporting you every step of the way towards achieving your ICF ACC certification through the TCA Accelerate Program.

Tandem Coaching site has a lot of resources that can help you, an aspiring coach to get more information about the fascinating world of coaching. To start we would recommend our Guide to getting your ICF Credential

If you are interested in learning more ICF Core Coaching Competencies: here are some useful links:

ICF Core Competencies: Building a Strong Session Agreement
ICF Core Competencies: Maintaining Agreements
ICF Core Competencies: Co-Creating the Relationship
ICF Core Competencies: Maintaining Your Coaching Presence
ICF Core Competencies: Empathy, Neutrality and Vulnerability

We have many more free coaching materials in our Blog! Check it out.


FAQ for ICF ACC Level 1 Coach Training Program

Q1: What is an accredited coach training program?
A1: An accredited coach training program, specifically an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP), is a comprehensive course that meets the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) stringent standards for coach training. The ICF ACC Level 1 Coach Training Program is designed to equip aspiring coaches with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies to become certified coaches.

Q2: What credentials can I earn through the ICF ACC Level 1 Coach Training Program?
A2: Upon completing the program, participants are eligible to apply for the ICF ACC credential. This credential signifies that a coach has met the professional standards set by the International Coaching Federation, demonstrating a commitment to coaching excellence.

Q3: Who should consider enrolling in this coach training program?
A3: Aspiring coaches who wish to start their coaching business, enhance their coaching competencies, and earn an ICF credential should enroll. This program is ideal for individuals aiming to become ACC coaches and make a significant impact in the coaching world.

Q4: What role do mentors play in the ICF ACC Level 1 Coach Training Program?
A4: Mentors are crucial to the learning process, providing mentor coaching to guide you through the ICF core competencies and offering feedback to improve your coaching skills. Participants must engage with an ACC mentor coach for a specific number of mentor coaching hours, ensuring they are well-prepared for professional coaching and the ICF credentialing exam.

Q5: How does the program prepare you for a career in professional coaching?
A5: The program covers essential topics such as coaching ethics, core competencies, coaching practice, and professional development. Through mentor coaching, coaching hours with real clients, and in-depth study of the ICF core competencies, participants gain the confidence and skills to start their coaching business or work within organizations providing executive coaching, team coaching, or life coaching services.

Q6: What are the prerequisites for enrolling in the ICF ACC Level 1 Coach Training Program?
A6: Aspiring coaches must complete a minimum number of coach-specific training hours and demonstrate a commitment to professional development. The program is designed for those who have a strong desire to become a certified professional in the coaching field, willing to meet the ICF’s requirements for coaching experience and education.

Q7: What is the importance of accredited coach training in achieving a coaching credential?
A7: Accredited coach training is vital for ensuring that the education and training received meet the high standards set by the International Coaching Federation. This accreditation signifies that the program provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and practical experience to succeed in the coaching profession and achieve an ICF credential.

Q8: How does the program incorporate ICF core competencies and prepare for coach knowledge assessment?
A8: The ICF core competencies are integrated throughout the curriculum, with a focus on developing these skills through practical coaching sessions, mentor coaching, and feedback. This ensures that by the end of the program, participants are proficient in the core competencies required for successful coaching and credentialing.

Q9: What are the coaching hours requirements for the ICF ACC credential?
A9: To apply for the ICF ACC credential, coaches must accumulate a specific number of coaching hours, including paid coaching experience. This hands-on experience is crucial for developing effective coaching skills and building a foundation for a successful coaching career.

Q10: How can I apply for the ICF credential after completing the program?
A10: After fulfilling the program’s requirements, including training hours, coaching experience, and mentor coaching, you can submit your credential application to the ICF. The application process includes documenting your coaching hours, completing the ICF credentialing exam, and demonstrating your proficiency in the ICF core competencies and coaching competencies.

Q11: How do I start my coach-specific training at TCA?

A: To start your coach specific training, visit our website and explore the TCA Accelerate: ICF ACC Pathway Program. This program is designed for those committed to the coaching industry, offering 60 hours of coach specific training for our Level 1 program and more than 125 hours of coach specific training in our PCC program. For a comprehensive understanding of the different levels of certification and to explore the domains of coaching, please visit the ICF website, as ICF offers three main levels of credentialing.

Q12: What are the coaching experience hours and training hours are needed to obtain an ICF Credential through TCA?

A: For the ACC credential, you need to complete a specific number of coaching experience hours – at least 100 hours of coaching experience, with 75 hours being paid coaching sessions. For those aiming higher, achieving an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level requires 500 hours of coaching experience. It’s essential to have coaching experience with at least some of these hours being direct client coaching to meet ICF’s credentialing requirements. Our programs are designed to help you accumulate these hours through practical coaching labs and Reciprocoach sessions. Your experience hours start accumulating only after the start of your coach-specific training.

What Our Students Say About Their Coach Education with Tandem

Register For Our ICF Credential Program Now

We are thrilled that you’re considering our program for your professional development. Fill out the form below to take the first step on your journey towards enhancing your coaching skills and advancing your career.

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If you are already an ICF certified coach or have some ICF accredited coach training, check out our PCC & ACTC standalone offerings.
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